How To Create VTU App That Sell Data And Airtime Online (Add To Google Play Store & App Store)

A lot of people want a fast and easy way to sell data and airtime online for their customers, having your own VTU App that sells data and airtime online is the best way to overtake the VTU Business Telecom Market.

In this tutorial, you will learn step by step-by-step guide to create your own VTU Website and VTU App you can put on the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. Not to worry, you don’t have to fund the API account separately.

How To Create VTU App
How To Create VTU App

Before you can achieve this by having VTU App with our VTU Script Software, you need to first have your VTU Website with our script software. See our guide on how to create a VTU website from scratch without coding.

However, Mobile App Development is diverse and complicated building from scratch if you are not a full stack App Developer. There are two types of Mobile App Development.

  • Native App Development.
  • Web App Development.

Native App Development is building your App from scratch with lines of code using different programming languages for it and hosting it on Firebase and cloud.

You may also need a UI/ UX designer to create the visual representation of the App before coding.

There are a lot of things to get a full understanding of before you can create a native app for both Android and iOS (iPhone).

Here in this tutorial, we will work you through creating a Web App and you don’t really need to get your hands on codes to create a web app for your VTU App.

All you need is your existing VTU website (live) and you be able to convert your website to an App in minutes using the method we will show you here.

Other things you will need to know, is how to upload your App to the Google Play Store so users can download/ install it.

There are platforms that can help you convert your website to an App by just inserting your URL to the platform, for example; webintoapp

Most of these platforms or websites are wrecked and some are super responsive and user-friendly to work with.

How To Upload VTU App on Google Play Store

By now, is either you have the app or you just want to create a google play console account to get ready to upload your App (APK/XAP). note that you would be required to pay a one time registration fee of $25.

If you are unable to make payment with your ATM cards or Virtual Card.

we used a Mastercard in our payment and it worked and the card was gotten from SocialCash App.

Virtual or ATM Card To Pay For Google Play Console Account in Nigeria

Social Cash is a mobile app that combines social media and financial services, providing easy, accessible, and secure financial services to the masses.

Social Cash App is not a bank; instead, it partners with CBN-licensed financial service providers and other internationally licensed transmitters in their respective jurisdictions.

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